Okay, so we all know there's many requirements for models, to be tall, thin, have perfect skin, perfect hair, etc. Today I will be targeting height and skin.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but most women aren't 6 feet tall. The average height for women in the U.S is 5'4. The minimum for runway models is about 5'8. Helllooooo where are they finding these models?!? Well, there ARE allot of models in North America that are European, and have been naturally gifted with the required height and waif-ish frames... Anyway, the point is, runway models shouldn't all be tall, it's so unrealistic for 6 feet tall women to represent designs. Sure, there should be some tall women, but also average women and petites! For myself, as an 5'6 average girl, can't see myself in allot of the things models wear on the runway. It's like oooh look at that super cute maxi dress on that super tall model!! I want it! Oh wait, never mind, I'd just drown in it...Designers need to pick a variety of models so people can actually see if they might look good in their clothes. It is terribly rude to discriminate against shorties!One thing I definitely appreciated coming from the world of modelling was the season for petites on America's Next Top Model. Those small girls were amazing models, they proved that you don't have to be tall to be a star.

As for skin, we know that the pictures most models in magazines have been edited, to make them look perfect and poreless. I see these ads, and I laugh. I don't know about you, but most humans i know have pores, big and small. We see that most runway models do have gorgeous skin, and don't have many skin issues. Their skin is so nice that they can wear loads of makeup and not get one pimple. Excuse me, wanna trade skin please? Of course, designers want to show their clothes on beautiful models, but their lack of blemishes is kind of intimidating, and once again, NOT REALISTIC. Sure, I know a few people who have perfect skin, and I am honestly jealous, but a woman doesn't need perfect skin to be beautiful. Most girls I know have zits. I sure as heck too, n top of many other skin issues. Many times I have wished to see a model with imperfect skin, to be able to relate, with no luck. The leaders in the fashion industry should develop a little compassion for average people, and maybe choose some models that aren't exactly "perfect" to make us feel a tad better about ourselves!
This is completely true. Not once have I seen on a fashion show a short model, or a model with acne or some sort of thing on her face. I saw this one video on youtube, and it shows all the process they used on the girl to make her poster ready.
ReplyDeleteHere's the link if you want to watch it :
I agree with everything you've said above. Reading magazines, watching modeling shows it really does make you wish that you'd see someone similar to you up there and actually succeeding. I also enjoyed the season for petite models on Americas next top model for the reason you stated above. As for skin there's not much you can do about it other than take care of it, other than that it's all hereditary.
ReplyDeleteThere definitely should be more normal-looking models in the fashion industry. I think designers sometimes forget that they should make clothes for the people that actually buy them! And it's not as if models would be any less beautiful for being shorter and maybe having some problem-skin sometimes. It's human. If anything, I think people would like them more. There's so many girls who actually do have what it takes except they're just not tall enough or just not skinny enough, etc. To be honest, those models body types aren't even the ideal ones. They should include all types of models in their shows.