While many models appear absolutely perfect, many actually have flaws, that the industry sees as beautiful. I've seen many models with gap teeth, strong noses and brows, small breasts, big thighs, etc. While many may see these characteristics as flaws, they are unique and beautiful to others, they make normal people with those flaws feel better about themselves.
These days, allot of people are running to tanning beds to achieve the bronzed look, to look like many celebrities. But do you remember seeing many bronzed beauties on the runway at any point? No, unless they're from Brazil or on the Victoria's Secret runway. I've seen many snow white models, and also many models that are dark as night, and they are both incredibly beautiful. While bronzed women are indeed beautiful, it really doesn't matter what your skin tone is in the fashion industry. Being unique is what matters.

Lindsey Wixson, a very well known model today, has a cute gap in her teeth. She is making just as much money, getting just as many spots on the runway as models with perfect teeth, if not more. While there is nothing wrong with perfectly straight teeth, many admire unique smiles. Kirsten Dunst has "vampire" or "snaggle" teeth, but is she still beautiful and one of the most famous actresses today? Of course, and she's proud of her fangs!

One of my favourite imperfections to talk about are strong and crooked noses. A woman doesn't need a cute little turned up nose to be attractive. While I've definitely wished for a perfect little button nose, I've learned to live with my big nose. A star I admire, Troian Bellisario, from the show Pretty Little Liars, has a crooked nose, but she is still unbelievably gorgeous. Another actress, Lea Michele, has a large, straight nose, that has been criticized, but is a huge actress and a beauty and fashion icon as well. Many other influential women, like Lady Gaga, model Erin Wasson and Meryl Streep are proud of their noses, they don't feel the need for a smaller, more convential nose. Because they know they were born this way and are proud of it!

Lastly, I would like to talk about big hips and small breasts. Most models we see these days are stick straight hangers, which most find unattractive. I mean, sure, allot of people barely have curves naturally, but a small waist and larger hips are very beautiful. No matter what a woman's shape, she's still beautiful. But many see hips as bad, but heck, what I wouldn't give for a smaller waist and/or bigger hips! Moving on to breasts now. Many flat chested women look at sexy, buxom beauties, like Scarlett Johansson and Katy Perry, and lose confidence, because they don't feel sexy. Let me tell you, flat chested women can pull off allot of outfits that big breasted women can't! Also, larger women suffer back pain, and lots of men prefer small breasts on their ladies. Now, I'm definitely not dissing women with large chests, just showing the benefits of smaller breasts.
The lesson here is, there's really no definition of perfection, nor is there a definition of beautiful. Beauty is unique. Every woman is born unique, every woman is born beautiful.