Well, this is it folks...no more fashion blogs!! Since my creativity is basically dead, I'm going to quickly go over my last nine blogs.
“While clothes may not make the woman, they certainly have a strong effect on her self-confidence — which, I believe, does make the woman." Mary Kay Ashe

I've talked about the ups and downs of the fashion world, the downs being racism, anorexia, discrimination, unhealthy "perfection", and the ups being diversity (mr/mlle Pejic ), healthy models, and beautiful imperfections.
Women are now more comfortable with themselves and their bodies—they no longer feel the need to hide behind their clothes.” Donna Karan

The world of fashion, although imperfect because of its discriminatory ways, is ever-changing and improving. It is very diverse, and quite exciting for many. Whether you fancy shoes, tuxedos, or elegant dresses, the fashion world caters to everyone! It is amazing that clothes, jewelry, makeup and hair can be so...so...so... i don't know, exciting, inspiring! I admire people with unique styles, that follow fashion trends and interpret them in their own ways. Everyone has their own style, but I find it so refreshing to see someone looking fashion forward and just waiting to jump into the next trend, no matter how crazy it is!
“I don't do fashion, I am fashion.”
Coco Chanel

Anyway, I just want to say that I really admire models who follow healthy lifestyles, and don't sacrifice their health and happiness for their job, like Coco Rocha, my favorite Canadian model. I also really appreciate designers that are lenient and open to diverse models, whether black, beige, brown, transgender, short or imperfect. People are becoming more accepting of different, unique people, and it will get even better in the future. Lets all hope that the percentage of anorexic models goes down, so both they and the average girls at home watching them can be healthy and happy.
“A designer is only as good as the star who wears her clothes.” Edith Head